Cryptad is an application that allows collaborative editing of documents in real time. It is a complete office suite with all the tools necessary for productive collaboration. Applications include: Rich Text, Spreadsheets, Code/Markdown, Kanban, Slides, Whiteboard and Forms. You can find out more details on their official website:
CryptPad adds an extra layer of security as it implements end-to-end encryption. CryptPad data is encrypted in the browser so no readable data leaves the device nor is it stored on the server. However, if you lose your password, no one can help you recover it and you will no longer be able to decrypt your data.
Go to the Control Panel: in the “Install Applications” section, you will see all the applications available for installation, including Cryptpad. Just tick the “Select” box and fill in the fields that will be displayed.

Installing Cryptpad.
Two domains are required to install Cryptpad:
A domain or subdomain for the installation. This is the primary domain that will be used to access the application and which will be visible in the browser.
A sandbox domain or subdomain that the application needs for its sandboxing system, which aims to strengthen security by limiting the risk of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. Sensitive computations (such as cryptographic key processing) are handled in the main domain, while the user interface is implemented in the sandbox domain.
Both domains have to be pointing to the IP address of the server. For this you will have to add two A records in the DNS zone editor of your domain (external operation to MaadiX). See this page for more information on how to create the necessary DNS
In addition to the two domains you can choose to activate the following two parameters, which you can change again at any time later from the control panel:
Access without Registration: if you activate this checkbox you will allow the use of CryptPad without the need for people to be registered.
Activar limpieza automática: activando esta opción se habilitará la eliminación definitiva y automática de los archivos en papelera. La papelera en Cryptad se llena de forma automática de la siguiente forma:
Documentos que no pertenecen a ninguna cuenta registrada: se eliminarán después de 90 días.
Elementos eliminado manualmente. Se borrarán definitivamente después de 15 días.
Cuentas inactivas y sus documentos: se eliminarán después de 365 días de inactividada.
Once you have set the desired parameters you can click on the “Install” button.
Create admin account
After a few minutes, when the installation is complete, you will receive a confirmation email containing the link that will allow you to create the Cryptpad administration account.
The first account that registers using this link will be the account with administration powers, so we recommend that you complete the registration as soon as you receive the email.
The password is the secret key that encrypts all documents as well as the administration privileges of the instance. If it is lost, no one will be able to recover the data.

Cryptpad password.
The warning that appears when you activate your account is true. The MaadiX team will not be able to help you recover access to your documents in case you lose your password.
Here you can check the official documentation for the administration of Cryptpad from the graphical interface and the options it offers:
Updating domains and parameters
Si necesitas cambiar los dominios o subdominios Cryptpad tienes que ir al Panel de Control y en ‘Mis aplicaciones’ > ‘Cryptpad’ > ‘Configurar’ indicar los nuevos dominios. Desde esta misma pagina podrás modifcar los valores para peritir el acceso sin registro o para activar el vacíado automático de la papelera. Los demás paramteros los podrñas confgurar directamente desde la interfaz de administración de Cryptpad.

Updating domains in Cryptpad