Free and open software application for implementing online surveys oriented to both beginners and professionals. It allows a multiplicity of response types, branching from conditions, templates and custom design. It also includes basic statistical analysis utilities for processing the results obtained.
The official user’s guide can be found here.
From the Control Panel, go to the ‘Install Applications’ section, there you will see all the applications available to install, including LimeSurvey. Just check the ‘Select’ box and indicate:
A domain or subdomain where you want to install it. This domain has to be pointing to the IP address of the server, for this you will have to add an A record in the DNS zone editor of your domain (external operation to MaadiX). Remember that this domain or subdomain does not have to be added in the ‘Domains’ section.
A password to set for the LimeSurvey administration account. Keep it somewhere safe as it will not be mailed for security reasons.
Once you have specified these two parameters you can click on the ‘Install’ button.

LimeSurvey installation.
After a few minutes you will receive an email (to the address you have configured for the Control Panel administration account) confirming that the installation was successfully completed.
To access LimeSurvey you will need to go to the domain or subdomain you specified during installation. You can also access it through the Control Panel, under ‘My Applications’ > ‘LimeSurvey’ > ‘Go to application’.
Podrás hacer login en el panel de administración añadiendo /admin
al final del dominio (por ejemplo: y acceder con la contraseña que tu mismx asignaste durante el proceso de instalación, por razones de seguridad no se envía por correo. Si olvidas la contraseña puedes iniciar el proceso de recuperación de contraseña haciendo clic en ‘¿Contraseña olvidada?’ e indicando el correo electrónico de la cuenta de administración.
In order to make the password recovery process work, you must first configure the email sending as indicated below. We recommend you to do it as soon as possible.

LimeSurvey login.
Domain change
If you need to change the domain or subdomain of LimeSurvey just go to the Control Panel and in ‘My applications’ > ‘LimeSurvey’ > ‘Configure’ to indicate the new domain. This domain has to be pointing to the IP address of the server, for this you will have to add an A record in the DNS zone editor of your domain (external operation to MaadiX). Remember that this domain or subdomain does not have to be added in the ‘Domains’ section.

LimeSurvey domain change.
Emails configuration.
The email sending configuration is located in the LimeSurvey administration panel. To access it you must go to the installation domain and add /admin
, for example
To setup the parameters for sending emails you have to go to “Configuration” > “Global” > “Email settings”. There you can check the SMTP option and specify the following settings:
Servidor SMTP: el nombre de tu servidor seguido de :465 (
SMTP username: an email account on your server (
SMTP password: password of the previous email account.
SMTP encryption: SSL/TLS.

Email sender settings.
You will also have to indicate a valid email account as sender in “Configuration” > “Global” > “Bounce settings”.

Bounce settings.